Saturday, January 10, 2009

more Christmas sales:

cupcake ornament (yes, I still have my tree up -
and it will probably stay up until next weekend)
Red berry wreaths
I think these wreaths would be cute tied to the back of each chair at a dining room table. (see a few examples here ) Jayson had THE best faux wreaths I have even seen.
silver acorn ornaments and sparkle snow (I love the vintage looking box)

I had never been in Jayson Home & Garden until yesterday. I was going to Trader Joe's to pick up vegetable soup ingredients and decided to walk up to Crate and Barrel Outlet. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Jayson Home & Garden. For some strange reason, I have never crossed the street to go inside this store, even though I frequently stop right next to it. Upon entering, I saw a sign that read, "75% off Christmas items." I might go back today.

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is so good......